ClassDo allows you to seamlessly focus on performing your key tasks throughout the various stages of your lesson. In this article, we will focus on your pre-lesson preparation tasks.
Pre-uploading all your materials to one place
Before your lessons, you may choose to upload all necessary resources — worksheets, slides, videos — into ClassDo.
With this,
- your resources will all be available in ClassDo instead of being scattered around various drives,
- you can easily allow learners to access any resources through ClassDo’s file management functions, and
- you can call out any relevant resources without delay during your lessons, instead of having to screenshare from various tabs
Learn how you can upload your files at File Management with ClassDo.
Smart Tabs
After uploading all your materials, you may setup your virtual room by opening and rearranging relevant tabs.
Learn more about this in Smart Tabs.
Preset your Breakout Rooms
Typically, to have lessons in group settings, you may have to carry out the administrative setup work during the lesson itself. This adds on to the chaos during lessons.
ClassDo allows you to preset your learners into teams before the lessons. This way, you can simply press a single button during your lessons to send your lessons into their group discussions.
Learn more at Breakout Rooms.
Now that you have setup your virtual room, let’s observe how you may facilitate learner engagement during your lessons!