
View room members and content at the same time

Any room member can spotlight the active speaker or another room member’s video on his/her own screen while referring to contents, using the Picture-in-Picture feature. The Picture-in-Picture video will always ‘float’ above your contents in the ClassDo screen. It can also be moved around and resized to avoid overlapping with the contents you are reading or annotating on.

If you have turned on Picture-in-Picture feature, the video will appear only on your screen, not on other room members’.

1. Click on the video thumbnail of active speaker/any room member. Select Video, then Picture in picture.


2. Click and drag the Picture-in-Picture video to move it anywhere you like on your screen. Use the handles at any corner of the video to resize the video.


3. When you are done, click X on the top right of the Picture-in-Picture video to close it.
