Teams : グループワークとブレイクアウトディスカッション

Teams : グループワークとブレイクアウトディスカッション

1. Set up breakouts in advance

Create break out teams and assign team members. Teams presets can be saved and you can instantly move members into their teams with a tap.

Click Manage Teams, and then select Manage Teams and Presets to create teams and move members to the Teams for group collaboration.


2. Copy files to Teams

If you have some files in Main Space that you want learners to continue to discuss in their teams. Make a copy of the file and click the checkboxes of the Teams folder to which the file will be copied.

You have to stay in the Main Space (and have not moved to another Team) to select and copy the files from the Main Space to the various Teams.

3. Open the copied file in Team

The copied file can be opened in teams by using Upload/open files and search for the file under All Files.

Tip : Rename the copied file under the Team's name to differentiate between each team’s individual copy of the file.

4. Collaborate in Team

You and your learners can now collaborate in Teams on the opened files in sketchpad during brainstorming/formative assessments/group activities.


5. Facilitate Team activities

You can move from Team to Team by clicking on the Team’s name.

Facilitate your learners in real time for more effective and lively group activities.


6. Team Presentation to the whole class

After each team has completed their group assignments, they can present their work to the whole class.

At each team, for the file to be presented, open its dropdown menu and click Make a copy then checkbox the Main Space. Each file will then be copied back to the Main Space.


Click Manage Teams, Back to Main Space to send everyone back to Main Space.


The copied file can then be opened in Main Space by using Upload/open files and search for the file under All Files.


After opening the file, the Team can present their assignment to the whole class.

Useful tip Set aim or agenda for each group collaborative activity. Set a time limit for each group activity.