Delete Teams

Only archived teams can be deleted on ClassDo. To delete a team, you’ll need to archive it first before proceeding with the deletion steps below.

When a team is deleted, all content, files and documents saved in that team will also be deleted. As deletion cannot be undone, to avoid accidental deletion, we highly recommend that you archive rather than delete your teams.

1. Click the Additional options button (three dot icon) of the group in the Archived Teams list.


2. Then select Delete


3. Make sure that you are prepared to delete all the contents saved in the team permanently. These contents cannot and will not be moved to any other room or saved elsewhere. If you do not want to delete the group, click the '✖️' icon at the top right corner of the window to close it.


4. If you are sure that you want to delete the team, type the team name into the textbox. After you have typed in the name correctly, click Delete this team and all contents in it.
