

You can choose to record your live sessions any time for archival, review or revision.

Your recorded sessions are automatically saved in ClassDo within seconds after recording is stopped. All room members can view the recordings or access them at any time for all room members from the Lounge, by clicking the View latest recording button. This saves educators and admins the hassle of needing to send the recording to the room members separately!

For your convenience, all recording files are auto-named with the date and start time of recording for easier access (e.g. Recording 24/05/2022, 11:30 SGT). There is no limit nor expiry date to how long files and videos can be saved in the room.

By default, room members with permissions (e.g. educators, admins) can also download the recordings, but general users such as students can only view them in the library.

Recording is like an external observer in the online classroom. Only the videochat and content tabs are recorded. Individual room members’ desks are not recorded, just as room members cannot see one another’s desk.
For more information on recording, see Recording FAQs.
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