Individual : 個別デスクでのパーソナルワークとコーチング

Individual : 個別デスクでのパーソナルワークとコーチング

1. Facilitate Individual learning at learners’ own pace

Let’s facilitate individual learning at your learners’ own pace. You can disseminate the file to be worked on to your learners by opening the file menu, select Hand out to desks, make copies for selected members.

Note that you can only disseminate one file at a time. Select the intended file, then click on its menu and Hand out to desks.

Send everyone to desk view and your learners will be seeing their own desk, where they have their individual disseminated copy of the file.


Your learners can now learn and work on their files/resources at their own pace.

In this desk view, your learners can also upload their individual files and resource by Upload/open files.

2. Differentiated coaching/consultation

You can now observe each individual learner’s activities at their own desk in real time and pivot your coaching based on their learning progress.

Move to each learner’s desk using the Select desk.

You can collaborate on the same file which your learner is working on and give them personalised attention.


Call for 1-on-1 discussion to converse privately with the learner. You are able to deliver differentiated coaching/consultation to the learner without other participants listening in.


3. Individual sprint/brainstorming/reflection

In the desk mode, you can facilitate your learners to do individual Sprint/Brainstorming/Reflection.

Disseminate sprint assignments to your learners using Hand out to desks, make copies for selected members.

Your learners can type out their ideas in Sticky.

Tip: Ask learners to type their name in their stickies. When you facilitate various learners to share stickies on the same sketchpad, you can identify the owner of each sticky.

You may also ask each learner to open their own individual type-pad by clicking Upload/open files, Type.

Facilitate your learners to write or type down milestones and feedbacks they have achieved in the learning session. These files are autosaved and you are able to visit their desk in real time or offline to take stock of their individual learning progress and outcomes.


4. Share results of sprint/brainstorming/reflection

After your learners have completed their invidual sprints, they may want to share their ideas with the whole class/Team or with other learners.

Every learner class is viewing his/her own Desk since you have previously Send everyone to desk view.

On their desk, let them make copy of their Sticky. When you switch to Main space or Team, they can paste their stickies on a sketchpad to share their ideas.

To copy the sticky or multiple stickies,

click Select, click and drag over the sticky/stickies, then

for Windows, press CTRL + C for MacOS, press Command + C To paste the stickies on the sketchpad, for Windows, press CTRL + P for MacOS, press Command + V
